Registos Bibliográficos associados ao registo de autoridade |
Etiqueta de registo: 00000nam 2200025 450 001 1880180 003 010 ## $a978-972-31-1374-7 021 ## $aPT$b322622/11 100 ## $a20140729d2011 m y0pory01030103ba 101 1# $apor$clat 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aDa arte edificatória$fLeon Battista Alberti$gtrad. Arnaldo Monteiro do Espírito Santo$gintrod., notas e rev. Mário Júlio Teixeira Krüger 210 #9 $aLisboa$cFundação Calouste Gulbenkian,$d2011 215 ## $a770, [4] p.$cil.$d28 cm 304 ## $aTít. orig.: De re aedificastoria 675 ## $a72.01/.02"14"$vBN$zpor$31583326 700 #1 $aAlberti,$bLeo Baptista,$f1404-1472$33642 702 #1 $aEspírito Santo,$bArnaldo,$f1942-$4730$330533 702 #1 $aKruger,$bMário Júlio T.,$f1945-$4080$3653067 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 856 41 $u 900 ## $aBIBNAC$d20140901 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sB.A. 37634 V.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sB.A. 37634 V.-D$x1
Etiqueta de registo: 01944cam 2200481 450 001 320774 003 005 19981229000000.0 095 ## $aPTBN00336851 100 ## $a19891201d1485 k y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $alat 102 ## $aIT 105 ## $ay z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aDe Re aedificatoria$f[adc. Baptista Siculus$ged. Angelus Politianus] 210 #9 $aFirenze$cNicoló di Lorenzo,$d29 Dezembro 1485 215 ## $a[204] f.$d2º (25 cm) 305 ## $aVariante no colofäo, f. [203] v., l.4 e 5: (...) CLA//rissimi de re // Aedificatoria
opus elegätissi//mü et quämaxime utile: (...) // Laurentii Alamani: Anno sa//lutis
Millesimo octuagesimo // quinto: quarto Kalendas Ianuarias. //; f. [204], 1.34: EINIS
(cfr. GW) 307 ## $aAssin.: a-d//8, e//6, f-o//8, p//6, q-z//8, &//8, //A38//8, //A39//8 316 ## $aFalta a f. [1]$aNotas marginais manuscritas$5PTBN: INC. 141 321 1# $aHC 419 (variante) 321 1# $aGW 579 321 1# $aPell 266 321 1# $aPolain 66 e 66 A (variante) 321 1# $aIGI 155 321 1# $aGoff A-215 321 1# $aBMC VI 630 (IB 27125 b, 27125 a (variante)) 321 1# $aCIBN Lisboa 34 321 1# $aIBPORT 44 321 1# $aISTC ia00215000 620 ## $dFlorença 700 #1 $aAlberti,$bLeo Baptista,$f1404-1472$33642 702 #1 $aSiculus,$bBaptista$4080$384039 702 #1 $aPoliziano$bAngelo,$f1454-1494$4340$375402 702 #0 $aNicoló di Lorenzo$4610$384041 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 856 40 $u 856 41 $u 856 49 $u$qapplication/pdf 958 ## $aBND$bLivre$cDigitalizado$d1$e 966 ## $lBN$mRESIMP$sINC. 141 995 ## $aROL $zBND$d20171115$idfontes 995 ## $aINC $zBND$d20181220$imsantos
Etiqueta de registo: 00230nam 2200025 450 001 1382778 003 010 ## $a972-8673-17-5 021 ## $aPT$b227308/05 100 ## $a20061012e20051784k y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $aspa 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aah z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $a El tratado de la pintura por Leonardo Da Vinci y los tres libros que sobre el mismo
arte escribió Leon Bautista Alberti$fLeonardo Da Vinci, Leon Bautista Alberti$gtrad., il. e notas Diego Antonio Rejon de Silva 205 ## $aEd. fac-símile 210 #9 $aLisboa$c[s.n.],$d2005$eBraga :$gEmpresa do Diário do Minho) 215 ## $aXVIII, 266 p.$cfac-simil.$d22 cm 225 2# $aAlcalá 324 ## $aEd. fac-simil. de Madrid : En la Imprenta Real, 1784 675 ## $a75.01/.02"14/15"$vBN$zpor$3434351 700 #0 $aLeonardo da Vinci,$f1452-1519$358525 701 #1 $aAlberti,$bLeo Baptista,$f1404-1472$4070$33642 702 #1 $aRejon de Silva,$bDiego Antonio$4730$3461040 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 900 ## $aBIBNAC$d20130602 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sB.A. 26274 V.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sB.A. 26274 V.-D $x1
Etiqueta de registo: 01729cam 2200409 450 001 635849 003 005 20020628121300.0 095 ## $aPTBN00847478 100 ## $a19961212d1649 k y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $alat 102 ## $aNL 200 0# $aM. Vitruvii Pollionis De architectvra libri decem 210 #9 $aAmstelodami$capud Ludouicum Elzevirium,$d1649 215 ## $a[8], 30, [2], 272, [28], 164, 69, [3] p.$d2º (31 cm) 304 ## $aCada parte com f. de rosto própria 306 ## $aRahir atribui grande parte da impressão da obra a Bonaventure e Abraham Elzevier em
Leiden 321 1# $aWillems 1097 321 1# $aRahir, E. 110 327 0# $aContém: Elementa architectura / collecta ab Henrico Wottono$aLexicon Vitruvianum... Commentarius / a Bermnaldino Baldo$aDe pictura... / Leonis Baptistae de Albertis 518 1# $aDe architectura 620 ## $dAmesterdão 620 ## $dLeiden 700 #0 $aVitrúvio,$fséc. 1 a.C.$3187321 701 #1 $aWotton,$bHenry,$f1568-1639$3235158 701 #1 $aBaldi,$bBernardino,$f1553-1617$3161653 701 #1 $aAlberti,$bLeo Baptista,$f1404-1472$33642 702 #1 $aElzevier,$bLouis,$ffl. 1604-1670$4610$3145250 702 #1 $aElzevier,$bBonaventure,$ffl. 1626-1652$4610$350174 702 #1 $aElzevier,$bAbraham,$ffl. 1621-1652$4610$350165 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 856 40 $u 856 41 $u 856 49 $u$qapplication/pdf 958 ## $aBND$bLivre$cDigitalizado$d1$e 966 ## $lBN$mRESIMP$nPicado. - Cota ant.: B.A. 243 V.$p {ºd$sELZ. 378 995 ## $aCLC $zBND$d20220603$iagraca
Etiqueta de registo: 00579cam 22002171 450 001 413913 003 005 19990504153600.0 095 ## $aPTBN00442540 100 ## $a19880325d1598 k y0pory0103 ba 101 1# $aspa$clat 102 ## $aES 200 1# $a El momo 210 #9 $aMadrid$cen casa del Licenciado Varez de Castro,$d1598 215 ## $d8 321 1# $aAdams A 498 620 ## $dMadrid 700 #1 $aAlberti,$bLeo Baptista,$f1404-1472$33642 702 #0 $aVárez de Castro,$cLicenciado,$ffl. 1596-1600$4610$3413636 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 856 ## $2Biblioteca Digital Hispánica:$u 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 6501 P. 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $a2-902-202
Etiqueta de registo: 01215cam 22003371 450 001 404926 003 005 19990504153600.0 095 ## $aPTBN00433236 100 ## $a19910109d1534 k y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $aita 102 ## $aIT 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aHecatomphila$fdi messer Leon Battista Alberto Firentino 210 #9 $aStampata in Vinegia a Santo Moyse$cper Francesco Bindoni & Mapheo Pasini compagni,$d1534 215 ## $a16, 9-23 f.$d8º (15 cm) 316 ## $aEncadernação em pergaminho$5PTBN RES. 4849//1 P. 321 1# $aBM (STC It.) 15 321 1# $aAdams A 496 321 1# $aCensimento A 714 620 ## $dVeneza 700 #1 $aAlberti,$bLeo Baptista,$f1404-1472$33642 712 02 $aBindoni,$bFrancesco e Maffeo Pasini,$f1524-1551$4610$31161368 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 856 40 $u 856 41 $u 856 49 $u$qapplication/pdf 958 ## $aBND$bLivre$cDigitalizado$d1$e 966 ## $lBN$mRESIMP$sRES. 4849//1 P. 995 ## $aCLC $zBND$d20220603$idfontes 998 ## $aCR913-38
Etiqueta de registo: 01715cam 2200385 450 001 404925 003 005 19990504153600.0 095 ## $aPTBN00433235 100 ## $a19910109d1565 k y0pory0103 ba 101 1# $aita$clat 102 ## $aIT 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aL' Architettura$fdi Leon Battista Alberti$gtradotta in lingua Fiorentina di Cosimo Bartoli, Gentilhomo & Academico Fiorentino 210 #9 $aIn Venetia$cappresso Francesco Franceschi, Sanese$d1565 215 ## $a404, [27] p.$cil.$d4º (23 cm) 316 ## $aEncadernação em pergaminho com vestígios de atilhos$5PTBN: RES. 3213 V. 316 ## $aAs páginas 13 a 16 são mss. em papel diferente e não numeradas$5PTBN: RES. 3213 V. 321 1# $aAdams A 489 321 1# $aCensimento A 724 321 1# $aBM (STC IT) 15 321 1# $aBN-Cat. Livro Científico sécs. XV e XVI 27 620 ## $dVeneza 700 #1 $aAlberti,$bLeo Baptista,$f1404-1472$33642 702 #1 $aBartoli,$bCosimo,$f1503-1572$4730$313409 702 #1 $91$aFranceschi,$bFrancesco dei,$ffl. 1562-1599$4610$359254 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 856 ## $2Internet Culturali:$u 856 40 $u 856 41 $u 856 49 $u$qapplication/pdf 958 ## $aBND$bLivre$cDigitalizado$d1$e 966 ## $lBN$mRESIMP$sRES. 3213 V. 995 ## $aCLC $zBND$d20220603$idfontes 998 ## $aCR913-37
Etiqueta de registo: 00672cam 22002051 450 001 304870 003 005 20010228134700.0 095 ## $aPTBN00317048 100 ## $a19900910d1784 m y0pora0103 ba 101 1# $aspa 102 ## $aES 200 1# $a El tratado de la pintura$ey los tres libros que sobre el mismo arte escribió Leon Bautista Alberti 210 #9 $aMadrid$cImprenta Real,$d1784 215 ## $a[XIV], 266 p., [40] f. est. 675 ## $a75.01/.02"14/15"$vBN$zpor$3434351 700 #0 $aLeonardo da Vinci,$f1452-1519$358525 701 #1 $aAlberti,$bLeo Baptista,$f1404-1472$4070$33642 702 #1 $aDu Fresne,$bRafael,$ffl. 1784$4212$3461039 702 #1 $aRejon de Silva,$bDiego Antonio$4080$3461040 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sB.A. 131 V. 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 01449cam 2200325 450 001 1340638 003 100 ## $a20051129d1541 k y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $alat 102 ## $aFR 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aDe Re Aedificatoria Libri Decem Leonis Baptistae Alberti Florentini... 210 #9 $aArgentorati$cexcudebat M. Iacobus Cammerlander Moguntinus,$d1541 215 ## $a[6], 165, [i.é 166] f.$d4º (21 cm) 316 ## $aEncadernação em pele, sobre pastas de cartão, com ferros gravados a ouro na lombada
e vestígios de fechos$5PTBN: RES. 3214 V. 317 ## $aPert.: "Da liurarja de S.V.te"; "BIBLIOTHECA DA R. CAZA DE S. VICENTE"(carimbo)$5PTBN: RES. 3214 V. 321 1# $aAdams A 492 321 1# $aBM (STC IT) 15 321 1# $aNUC NA 139649 321 1# $aBN-Cat. Livro Científico sécs. XV e XVI 25 620 ## $dEstrasburgo 700 #1 $aAlberti,$bLeo Baptista,$f1404-1472$33642 702 #1 $aCammerlander,$bJakob,$f1533-1548$4610$31219517 712 02 $aCónegos Regrantes de Santo Agostinho.$bMosteiro de São Vicente de Fora$c(Lisboa)$4390$357962 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 856 40 $u 856 41 $u 856 49 $u$qapplication/pdf 958 ## $aBND$bLivre$cDigitalizado$d1$e 966 ## $lBN$mRESIMP$nCota antiga: B.A. 47 P.$sRES. 3214 V.
Etiqueta de registo: 01755cam 022004331 04500 001 224730 003 005 20010817144900.0 095 ## $aPTBN00233040 100 ## $a19880325d1598 k y0pora0103 ba 101 1# $aspa$clat 102 ## $aES 106 ## $ar 200 1# $a El momo$ela moral y muy graciosa historia del momo$fcompuesta en latin por... Leon Baptista Alberto Florentin$gtraduzida en castellano por Agustin de Almaçan... 210 #9 $aEn Madrid$cen casa del Licenciado Castro,$d1598 215 ## $d[32], 239, [19] f.$d8º (15 cm) 307 ## $aAssin: //A3-//A29//8,A-Z//8,Aa-Gg//8,//A21-//A22//8,//A23//2 321 1# $aAdams A 498 321 1# $aPalau 5193 321 1# $aPérez Pastor Madrid 557 321 1# $aCCBE s. XVI A 602 321 1# $aCCPB CCPB000031340-8 321 1# $aBN-Tip. Esp. XVI 37 321 1# $aIberian Books 51131 [202] 620 ## $dMadrid 700 #1 $aAlberti,$bLeo Baptista,$f1404-1472$33642 702 #0 $aVárez de Castro,$cLicenciado,$ffl. 1596-1600$4610$3413636 702 #1 $aAlmaçan,$bAgustin de,$f15--$4730$3414061 712 02 $aCompanhia de Jesus$4390$39396 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 856 40 $2Cópia digital disponível em Google Books$u 856 40 $u 856 41 $u 958 ## $aBND$bLivre$cDigitalizado$d1$e 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 6501 P. 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 6502 P. 966 ## $lBN$mMICROF$nMicrofilme$sF. 1903 966 ## $lBN$mRESIMP$sRES. 5733 P. 995 ## $aCLC $zBND$d20220603$idfontes
Etiqueta de registo: 01748cam 2200421 450 001 404916 003 005 20030203114100.0 095 ## $aPTBN00433226 100 ## $a19900109d1546 k y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $aita 102 ## $aIT 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aI dieci libri de l'Architettura$fdi Leon Battista Alberti Fiorentino, Huomo in ogni altra dottrina eccelente, ma in
questa singolare 210 #9 $aIn Venegia$cappresso Vincenzo Vaugris,$d1546 215 ## $a[12], 248 f.$d8º (15 cm) 316 ## $aF. 33 e 34 soltas$5PTBN: RES. 4958 P. 316 ## $aEncadernação em pergaminho$5PTBN: RES. 4958 P. 317 ## $aPert: "Da livraria Most[ei]ro de S[an]to Teotónio de Vianna"$5PTBN: RES. 4958 P. 321 1# $aBM (STC IT) 15 321 1# $aCensimento A 724 321 1# $aAdams A 487 321 1# $aNUC NA 139666 321 1# $aBN-Cat. Livro Científico sécs. XV e XVI 26 517 1# $aArchitettura 620 ## $dVeneza 700 #1 $aAlberti,$bLeo Baptista,$f1404-1472$33642 702 #1 $aValgrisi,$bVincenzo,$ffl. 1539-1573$4610$3162072 712 02 $aCónegos Regrantes de Santo Agostinho.$bMosteiro de São Teotónio$c(Viana do Castelo)$4390$3950131 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 856 40 $u 856 41 $u 856 49 $u$qapplication/pdf 958 ## $aBND$bLivre$cDigitalizado$d1$e 966 ## $lBN$mRESIMP$sRES. 4958 P. 995 ## $aCLC $zBND$d20220603$idfontes 998 ## $aCR913-29
Etiqueta de registo: 00000nam 2200025 450 001 1866280 003 010 ## $a0-226-27840-9 100 ## $a20140307e19731969m y0pory01030103ba 101 0# $aeng 102 ## $aUS 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aLeon Battista Alberti$euniversal man of the Renaissance 205 ## $a2nd imp 210 #9 $aChicago ;$aLondon$cThe University of Chicago Press,$d1973 215 ## $aXV, 266 p. 320 ## $aBibliografia, p. 245-257 675 ## $a929Alberti, Leon Battista$vBN$zpor$3629704 675 ## $a72Alberti, Leon Battista$vBN$zpor$31146879 675 ## $a7.01(450)"14"$vBN$zpor$31638905 700 #1 $aGadol,$bJoan$31597971 702 #1 $aAlberti,$bLeo Baptista,$f1404-1472$4100$33642 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$pBiblioteca Alberto de Lacerda$sH.G. 71589 V.$x3 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00000nam 2200025 450 001 1872584 003 100 ## $a20140509e19701956m y0pory01030103ba 101 0# $aeng 102 ## $aUS 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aOn painting 205 ## $a2nd print 210 #9 $aNew Haven ;$aLondon$cYale University Press,$d1970 215 ## $a141 p. 225 2# $aArt 675 ## $a7.01"14"$vBN$zpor$31652243 700 #1 $aAlberti,$bLeo Baptista,$f1404-1472$33642 702 #1 $aSpencer,$bJohn$4730$3157539 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$pBiblioteca Alberto de Lacerda$sB.A. 40519 V.$x3 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00000nam 2200025 450 001 1915540 003 010 ## $a978-989-658-303-3 021 ## $aPT$b394511/15 100 ## $a20151119d2015 m y0pory01030103ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa z 000yd 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aLeon Battista Alberti$eretrato de um arquitecto renascentista$fAugusto Pereira Brandão 210 #9 $aCasal de Cambra$cCaleidoscópio,$d2015 215 ## $a175 p.$cil.$d24 cm 320 ## $aBibliografia, p. 171-175 675 ## $a929Alberti, Leon Battista$vBN$zpor$3629704 675 ## $a72Alberti, Leon Battista$vBN$zpor$31146879 675 ## $a72.01(450)"14"$vBN$zpor$31628148 700 #1 $aBrandão,$bAugusto Pereira,$f1930-2018$316882 702 #1 $aAlberti,$bLeo Baptista,$f1404-1472$4100$33642 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 856 41 $u 900 ## $aBIBNAC$d20151204 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sH.G. 70881 V.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sH.G. 70881 V.-D$x1
Etiqueta de registo: 00000nam 2200025 450 001 1981077 003 010 ## $a978-989-99720-4-9 021 ## $aPT$b427231/17 100 ## $a20180126d2017 m y0pory01030103ba 101 1# $apor$cita 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aDa pintura ;$a seguido de Da escultura$fLeon Battista Alberti$gintrod. Isabel Nogueira$gtrad. José Serra 205 ## $a1ª ed 210 #9 $aSilveira$cBookbuilders,$d2017 215 ## $a111, [7] p.$cil.$d20 cm 304 ## $aTít. orig.: De pictura ; De statua 517 1# $aDa escultura 675 ## $a75.01"14"$vBN$zpor$31703129 675 ## $a730.01"14"$vBN$zpor$31703136 700 #1 $aAlberti,$bLeo Baptista,$f1404-1472$33642 702 #1 $aNogueira,$bIsabel$f1974-$4080$31187834 702 #1 $aSerra,$bJosé$4730$3286913 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 856 41 $u 900 ## $aBIBNAC$d20180202 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sB.A. 10907 P.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sB.A. 10907 P.-D$x1
Etiqueta de registo: 00254nam 2200025 450 001 2202089 003 100 ## $a20250109d1804 m y0pory01030103ba 101 0# $aita 102 ## $aIT 105 ## $aa z 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aDella pittura e della statua$fdi Leon Batista Alberti 210 #9 $aMilano$cdalla Società Tipografica de' Classici Italiani,$d1804 215 ## $aXXVII, 136, [3, 1 br.] p., [3] f. il., [4] f. desdobr.$cil., desdobr.$d20 cm 312 ## $aTít. na lombada: Classici italiani vol. XXXIII 321 1# $aIT\ICCU\UBOE\033848 516 1# $aClassici italiani 620 ## $dMilão 700 #1 $aAlberti,$bLeo Baptista,$f1404-1472$33642 712 02 $aSocietà Tipografica de' Classici Italiani$4610$3434112 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 856 40 $2Cópia digital disponível em Google Books$u 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sP. 3564 P. 971 ## $ccatias$d20250109 997 ## $aBIBEOD